Naughty Nicky is a local, 25 year old girl who has always been curious what it would be like to have sex with a white guy and since she recently broke up with a boyfriend, she decided this would be the best time to do this, in case she starts dating a new guy soon. Since she has no idea if this will be a one time deal or not, she wanted it to be recorded and up on the website so she can go back at look at it without running the risk of her future boyfriends finding evidence of her “white” experience on her computer. Not only was this Nicky’s first time with a white guy, but also it was her first time having someone take nude pictures of her or her having sex on camera. She told Tony that she has never had the confidence to let her past boyfriends take pictures of her nude or of her having sex so her nervousness is apparent on the video; its interesting, even hot girls sometimes lack self-esteem and confidence.
